
Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution stated that The United-States shall guarantee to every State in this Union
a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion. Take note that a Republic form
of government (To this Republic for which it stands) is what is guaranteed not a democracy.

The Bill Clinton impeachment trial against Bill Clinton had NOTHING to do with Bill Clinton or the White House Intern. The
Bill Clinton impeachment was a public debate about whether the U.S. citizens wanted to remain as artificial
entities/corporations under the ownership, control, and jurisdiction of the bankrupt/insolvent U.S.; thus continuing to exist as economic slaves/as the public [Public as opposed to Private]. The other alternative for the U.S. citizen would
be to become U.S. Citizens again thus existing as a sovereign /private citizen [Public/Civil Rights Only as opposed to
Private/U.S. and State Constitutional Rights].

The Republican party served as the counsel that was arguing for a Republic law form and the Democratic
party served as the counsel arguing the democracy law form before the U.S. citizens in an open debate. The question
was¦ Do we try Clinton within the Republic [Private] form of government or under the rules within the Democracy [Public] form of government.

To try Bill Clinton under the rules within Republic form of government as the Republican party had argued would have
required the U.S. Congress to address and settle the U.S. bankruptcy [The Amexem-Moor-Empire as a creditor of the
U.S. would love that to happen because the U.S. Congress would be forced to settle all claims against the U.S.] because the U.S. government would have to be solvent to be able to bring a claim against Bill Clinton (Or anyone else for that matter) upon which relief can be granted.

The Republican Party argued for the Republic form of government because a solvent government regains its sovereignty when it is no longer beholden to its lender. The Democratic party argued for(And won) the democracy form of government to be maintained thus the U.S. remains bankrupt/insolvent [ So is Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Geneva Convention participants]. The U.S. Congress was charged with the responsibility of managing the U.S. finances in Article 1 section 8 clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1 section 10 of the U.S. Constitution states that States may not coin their own money nor make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a tender in payment of debts. The U.S. Congress is supposed to be responsible for the financial affairs of the U.S. not the privately owned and operated Federal Reserve which functions as the de facto/un Constitutional central bank of the U.S. [52% owned by Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin; 8% owned by Lazard Freres Bank of Paris; 8% owned by Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, 8% owned by Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; 6% owned by Lehman Brothers of New York; 6% owned by Kuhn Loeb of New York; 6% owned by Chase Manhattan/Rockefeller Bank of New York; 6% owned by Goldman Sachs].

When the U.S. Bankruptcy of 1930 C.E. was declared in the U.S. Congress in 1933 C.E., gold was taken out of
circulation and the un Constitutional thus fraudulent U.S. currency made its debut. All of the fraudulent U.S.
currency in circulation was/is made at an average rate of 2 cents per bill [That’s about what they are worth]
regardless of denomination. The U.S. Treasury sells these bills to the Federal Reserve at cost. Whenever the U.S.
government needs a loan, the U.S. Treasury borrows those same bills from the Federal Reserve at face value plus
interest and the suckers/public/U.S. citizens get taxed to pay the face value plus the interest to the owners of the Federal Reserve by the Privately owned and operated collection agency known as the Internal Racketeering Squad Any U.S. citizen that has ever allegedly paid the I.R.S. should look at who endorsed the check used for payment (It was not the U.S. Treasury so U.S. citizens can forget about their taxes being used to for Running the country).

You cannot pay debt with debt. You can only pay a debt with substance. The fraudulent U.S. currency is a tender (A
fancy way of saying it’s an i.o.u.) that has no material value [Give me a pound A pound of what? Give me a
dollar A dollar of what?]. On the back of the of the U.S. currency one dollar bill denomination you will find not
1 seal but 2. These two seals depict 2 different governments, 2 different jurisdictions. Unless you were a Mason, most
U.S. Citizens and U.S. citizens had never seen the Great Seal [Pyramid with the all seeing eye] prior to the late
1920s C.E.. What are they telling the U.S. citizen by having the Seal of the Moors on the back of their medium of
exchange? What are they telling the declared Moors as well as the comatose/undeclared Moors?

They are telling the U.S. citizens that the U.S. is beholden to their lender, the Moors [Owner of the Great Seal] due to the outstanding loan that has to be repaid. They are telling the declared Moors that they recognize that the U.S. is obligated to re pay the Moors what is owed [$25 million in gold plus interest, penalties, and fines] however they are withholding payment because the government of ours that they were familiar with has collapsed and they have worked hard to keep our people and theirs unaware of our inheritance, they claim that they don’t know who to make payment to( They do now, the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government has made sure of it). To the undeclared Moors, they are telling you that they are the fiduciaries managing your wealth until you come take it meaning they are speculating with your wealth like a bank will loan out your gold to earn interest until you withdraw all of your gold. And they know the length of time they have to do this is the length of your ignorance with regards to knowledge of self [Some of our people were brought here on slave ships but the reality is the bulk of us were already here. Where did all of those Free coloreds in the North that were never slaves descend/come from?]. If they can't attempt to move 150 million people from the West coast of *Alkebu-Lan in 100 years with all of the ships in the world today [And they will tell you that much],

Whatever they taught you in their public/private fool (school) systems you believed. They told you that the so
called Indian is the first inhabitant of this hemisphere coming across a land bridge into so called Alaska and worked their way South in search for food. If that were so, the oldest burial sites would be found in Alaska and would get younger as you work your way South. However, the oldest bones are found farther South than so called Alaska and the bones are of undisputable Moorish phenotype.

They taught you in their public/private fool system that Christobal-Colon [Christopher Columbus] discovered the
so called Americas. Obviously, this is not so. They told you he was on his way to so called Hindustan/India and
got lost yet his diaries tell you (November 2 entry) that his interpreters spoke Arabic, Chaldean, and Hebrew [Africa and The Discovery Of America by Leo Weiner] and were able to converse in Arabic with the King of Cuba. These are
the same people that Christobal referred to as Woolly haired Mohammadans [A fancy code word for Moor]. Take
note that Christobal had no interpreter that spoke Hindu yet it is alleged that he was headed to a land where Hindu is a
primary language. Translation: Christobal knew exactly where he was going and he knew exactly who he would find when he got there... Us!!!

There have been no chartered banks in the U.S. venue since the inception of the U.S. bankruptcy (You have to be
solvent to be chartered to do business) in 1933 C.E. . With gold [Substance] pulled out of circulation, banks in the U.S. venue began loaning commercial instruments in place of money/substance which translates as they loan you nothing and charge you interest which is usury. This is the true inspiration behind all gun control laws. They know that when the unsuspecting so called white U.S. citizens finally figure out that they were sold out, the armed white folks will come after them with their guns blazing.

The Federal Reserve was/is used on the U.S. citizens [Technically, there is no such thing as a U.S. citizen because the U.S. is a for profit corporation chartered to business that has subdiaries (STATE OF NEW MEXICO as opposed to the New-Mexico-State: Republic) and franchises (U.S. citizens/resident aliens/artificial entities/corporations/you that have no rights that a Court is bound to respect because as an inanimate object before a Court, you have no feelings, cannot own anything, cannot speak thus cannot state a claim upon which relief may be granted).] If that was the case, the for profit corporation "Mc Donalds" could make you a citizen/have its own citizenry.] while the International Monetary Fund and World Bank are used on our family in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Korea, etc. The I.M.F. and World Bank suckered these governments into accepting loans of nothing [Fraudulent/non existent U.S. currency] and charged them interest. In turn, these governments (Like their U.S. citizen counterparts) voluntarily elected into the fraud unknowingly and pledged to repay the non loan [Hey! good for it] as they pledged all of the labor of their respective citizenry and all that they own including their sovereignty thus their citizenry became a surety/collateral that backs the securities sold to the highest bidder every business day on what is called the bond market [Congratulations!!! You've just been pawned]. This is why the U.N. is demanding that its members make all of their citizens have a birth certificate. The registered birth certificate is tied to a surety/collateral/laborer/you [There is a bond attached to the birth certificate that is sold on the bond market also] that will be taxed to pay the non loan and interest. Suckers Hook! Line! And Sinker!

The Amexem-Moor-Empire and its Imperial-Government considers Kenya, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, and Korea as part
and parcel of the Amexem-Moor-Empire. The Amexem-Moor-Empire is not amused by the antics of the
Anglo-American/European purveyors of the madness described herein. The Anglo-American/European mind set that they are the moral and ethical standard bearers and that their military might makes right does not hold sway here. What the world has witnessed in Yugoslavia and Cote D Ivoire speaks volumes. The will of the people in those respective places overpowered those that stood against the will of the people without the people having to fire a shot.
The will of the people in those respective places overwhelmed their former leaders proving that public
opinion/people power is more powerful than the nuclear arsenal of any so called super power. You can
fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. The masters of the 7 seas/Moors are back and we will be successful in restoring knowledge of self to our people. We will free the minds of our people, free our land, and recoup all that rightfully belongs to us.

The time is rapidly approaching when the Anglo-American/European will be brought to the table
to negotiate the repayment of all monies owed [Aforementioned Loan of $25 million in gold in
1861 C.E./Pan “American-Conference of 1928 C.E./Geneva-Convention], the payment for
exploitation of our people and the natural resources of our lands, the payment for the clean up
of our environment destroyed by the Anglo-American/European, and the transfer of the keys of
power. The Amexem-Moor-Empire is a unified nation that will absorb and unify our family of
Kenya, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Korea, and elsewhere. The collective will of our people will prevail
because we are standing on the principles of truth and right. Our people will refuse to continue
to be defrauded through the living of a lie. Let the Anglo/American/European take note: Your
time is up! You can hide no more! You can lie no more!

The U.S. Congress has the responsibility of addressing and settling all claims against the U.S.
including the $25 million in gold plus 139 years to date of interest, penalties, and fines owed to
the Amexem-Moor-Empire through the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government. The
time has come for the U.S. Congress to begin good faith negotiations in this matter with the
Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government. The Amexem-Moor-Empire:
Imperial-Government demands that the U.S. Congress/U.S. government [Executive, Legislative,
and Judicial] immediately contact the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The
Imperial-Affairs to obtain the necessary protocols and logistics that will facilitate a smooth
negotiations process.

* Alkebu-Lan is the oldest and only indigenous designation of the continent that is the cradle of
the man [See page 47 and the glossary on page 74-75 of Black Man Of The Nile by University
of Cairo and Cornell University Professor Dr. Yusef AA ben Jochannan]. We are not so called
african [From the Greek word "aprica" ]. We are not Ethiopian [From the Greek "Ithiops"] and the designation
Muur also known as Moor predates the Greek "Mauri/Mauros" stemming from the root Mu as in Lemuria and Mu
Atlantis. We referred to ourselves as Moors then thus we are Moors now!!! We are NOT africans or ethiopians!!! We
never gave the Greeks or any other so called "European" power, authority, nor permission to define us. We refer to so
called white people as so called "European" because they are not indigenous to those lands either. The root word EU
means caves and hills. Rope to bind in. We confined them to the caves and hills for 2000 years for their previous
mischief. This fact is vehemently attacked for obvious reasons but never proven to be incorrect. Truth is truth and truth needs no crutch!

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